Alberto Caponi



  • e-mail: alberto.caponi – at –
  • telephone: +39 067259-7773
  • skype: caponi.alberto86
  • Netgroup Lab (map)

Research Interests

  • Network & Computer Security
  • Data-Centric Security: Identity & Attribute Based Cryptography
  • Information Centric Networks (ICN) | Named Data Networks (NDN): caching efficiency and resilience to attacks (more…)


  1. N. Blefari-Melazzi, G. Bianchi, A. Caponi, A. Detti, “A General, Tractable and Accurate Model for a Cascade of LRU Caches”, IEEE Communications Letters 18(5), 877-880 (2014). (pdf)
  2. A. Detti, A. Caponi, G. Tropea, G. Bianchi, N. Blefari-Melazzi, “On the Interplay among Naming, Content Validity and Caching in Information Centric Networks”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, USA, 9-13 December 2013. (pdf)
  3. G. Bianchi, H. Rajabi, A. Caponi, G. Picierro, “Conditional Disclosure of Encrypted Whitelists for DDoS Attack Mitigation”, IEEE BigSecurity 2013 Workshop, Atlanta, USA, 9-13 December 2013. (pdf)
  4. G. Bianchi, A. Detti, A. Caponi, N. Blefari-Melazzi, “Check before storing: what is the performance price of content integrity verification in LRU caching?”, SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 43, 3 (July 2013), 59-67. (pdf)
  5. A. Detti, A. Caponi, N. Blefari-Melazzi, ”Exploitation of Information Centric Networking Principles in Satellite Networks”, IEEE ESTEL 2012, Rome, Italy, 2-5 October 2012. (pdf)
  6. H. Rajabi, A. Caponi, ”Fine-grained Disclosure Control for Monitoring Data Sharing”, 6th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications, SECITC 2013, Bucharest, Romania, 25-26 June 2013. (pdf)
  7. A. Caponi, H. Rajabi, G. Bianchi, ”Fine-grained disclosure control in Cross-Domain Monitoring Data Sharing”, GIRPR Summer School on Computer Security and Privacy, “Building Trust in the Information Age”, Cagliari, August 2012. (pdf)